Have you ever wondered about the different types of fields that exist in dental medicine? Every dentist will have some specialisation in the field so knowing what the dentist specifically does will help you get the right treatment.

Today, we will look at different kinds of dentists and what they do and give you the right knowledge that help you when you want to book an appointment.

From general dentists to orthodontists, there is a terminology for each dentist and calling the same will help you remember their specialisations correctly during times of need. You can suggest the right dentist to your friends, family, and colleagues who have different kinds of dental issues and make them get the right treatment.

Let’s look at different kinds of dentists and what they do

General Dentist

A general dentist will have initials like DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) and DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine) beside the name. To achieve this degree, one has to complete 3 years of undergraduate studies and 4 years of dental school.

You can go to the general dentist for routine procedures like cleaning, fillings, crowns, root canals, gum issues, bridges, and more. Usually, general dentists know all the dental treatments and are the primary providers who treat overall dental needs.

You can go to the general dentist to know the problem, its cause and the basic treatment. However, if your dental problem requires special surgery or treatment, then the dentist will recommend a specialised doctor to treat your issue.


A periodontist is a dentist who deals with gum issues and the structure around the teeth. If you have a gum infection it can be painful to eat, talk, and move your mouth. This may require an appointment with a periodontist. Usually, your general dentist will refer you to a gum specialist when your gum issues need advanced treatment.



An orthodontist will work on the aesthetics of your teeth. You can consult one when your teeth are missing, misaligned, crowded, or have an extra tooth. They are the ones who design braces, retainers, and other corrective appliances and work on the proper structure of your teeth.

When you visit a general dentist and are told that you have improper structure of teeth, then you are recommended to an orthodontist.


An endodontist will work on the inner part of the tooth like root canals and tooth pain. They receive training on preserving the natural tooth by protecting it from infections and other issues. So, if you ever experience pain from inside the tooth, you can directly book an appointment with an endodontist to receive proper root canal treatment.


A prosthodontist specialises in replacing or restoring damaged or lost teeth. They work on lost or damaged teeth and help you have natural and functional teeth. They ensure that you have a beautiful smile and work on the aesthetics of your teeth. You can consult them if you need bridges, braces, dental implants, and dentures for your teeth.

Paediatric Dentist

Paediatric dentists are specialised and receive proper training to work on children’s teeth and gums. They know how to work with kids who resist or move around often during dental appointments. If you think your kid needs special dental care, then it’s better to consult a paediatric dentist to receive worry-free treatment.

You might be surprised to read about the various specialisations that exist in dental medicine. However, knowing each one in detail will help you make an informed choice during an appointment and get the right treatment for your teeth. You can save money by avoiding multiple appointments. You can directly go to the right dentist and get your dental issues solved without any hassle.