Moving to a new home is both exciting and stressful. The first few days in arranging your new home and unpacking everything can exhaust you. However, with proper planning and organising, you can minimise the work and enjoy more in your new place.

The organising and planning should begin at your old home by first packing the things that you use less. Preparing a moving house checklist and sorting it based on how far your moving day is will make your moving house less tiring and exhausting.

Also, once you move away from your old home, there’s no guarantee that you will return there. So, you have to make sure of things from sorting out your mail to saying proper goodbyes to your neighbours.

Here is the list that you can sort based on your moving day:

Two months

  • Choose your removalist
    Hunting for professional removalists should begin as early as two months from your moving day. You have to shop around and get them for a reasonable price.
    The pricing depends on how far you are travelling and the number of furniture you have at your home. The more the distance, the more the price and the bigger the furniture you have, the higher the price will be.
    When you find suitable moving experts, book them in advance so that you have to check out the first big thing when it comes to moving houses.
  • Arrange transport when necessary
    Arranging transport and telling them about your location and time is necessary to do in advance. It helps the removalist companies to book a slot for all your arrangements.
  • Arrange storage
    You can also arrange to store your furniture in a secured place if you need time to shift your furniture to your new home. However, you have to do it in advance so that the companies can allocate a proper and sufficient place to keep your furniture.

One month

  • Start packing, starting with the least used items
    Before one month of your moving date, start packing with the least used items. You can pack away items like photo frames, rarely used clothes, and kitchen items that you don’t use every day.
    After packing such items in a box, label the box and keep them aside, ready for the day of moving.
  • Start disposing of unwanted items
    When packing, start disposing of the items that you don’t need or are damaged or broken. Also, look to properly dispose of any unwanted dangerous goods like gas cylinders. Getting rid of such items will help you have more space in the moving van. Also, you don’t have the burden of carrying such items and disposing of them at your new place.
  • Give notice to the landlord and your boss (if necessary)
    One month before shifting, tell your landlord that you are moving (if you are living in a rental home). Talk to your landlord about the money settlements so that you don’t have to deal with all those things at the time of moving.
    Also, tell your boss about your moving plans and apply for a leave beforehand so that you don’t have to worry about work during the time of moving.

Two weeks

  • Begin cleaning
    Begin spring cleaning at both your new and old home. If you can’t do it alone, arrange for professionals to clean the houses.

One week

  • Final inspection of new home
    Inspect your new home so that the property is up to the agreed standard. It is mandatory especially if you bought a new home.
  • Store your valuables in a safe place
    All the valuables like cash, jewellery, and important documents should be kept close to you. Don’t pack them along with other things and keep them as close to you as possible.
    If you are moving interstate, make sure to confirm the details and see that everything is correct and in order.

Day before

  • Pack an ‘essentials’ kit for everyone in the family
    Organising clothes at your new home takes time, so pack an essential kit for everyone in the family. It should contain toiletries, medicines, clothes, chargers, toys if you have kids, etc.
  • Provide specific instructions to movers
    If you have any specific instructions for movers, it’s time to tell them about it so that they do exactly as you said.
  • Check with utility companies to make sure that the services are discontinued in the old home and connected in the new home

Be prepared for the unexpected weather

It’s your lucky day if it’s sunny during the entire time of moving. However, unexpected weather can occur at any time. Make sure the furniture is covered with plastic wrap to prevent wetness. It’s important to cover the furniture, in general, to keep them from dirt and dust.